In collaboration with Mumbet’s Freedom Farm, Random Harvest will be showing four films this winter showcasing important environmental issues we’re facing and the brilliant strategies we can use to combat the current climate crisis. We will gather for conversation after each film with locals who are engaged in activism around each element here at home. Join us Friday January 13th at 6 pm to watch Invisible Hand, a film about protecting our waters and the rights of nature. Folks involved in restoring the Housatonic River will be sharing about their efforts and how you can get involved.
To watch the trailer for Invisible Hand, click here.
To learn more about Mumbet’s, click here.
“From Executive Producer Mark Ruffalo comes the world’s first documentary film on the Rights of Nature Movement, a “plot-twisting, eye-opening” story about the current global battle between capitalism and democracy where the fight for our survival is at stake.”